Thursday, July 7, 2011

Straighten your teeth with Invisalign

At Dentistry on Dundas you can straighten your teeth with Invisalign! Invisalign is a series of smooth, clear and comfortable aligner trays. That means you can continue doing all the things you normally would, from brushing and flossing, to eating whatever you like. With other devices, eating, brushing and flossing properly can often be more difficult!

Check out the results one of our patients achieved below!



Special occasion coming up? No problem - just take your aligners out for that time and pop them back in when you're ready. Of course, even when you're wearing them, most people won't even know you're going through orthodontic treatment, because they are virtually invisible!

Invisalign is also ideal for your busy schedule, with fewer doctor visits required (approximately every six weeks) and most insurance companies will pick-up part of the cost!



1 comment:

  1. I have had my Invisalign in for about 11 weeks now. I am way more used to it and only experience some pain the first few days of some new aligners. Some aligners hurt more or less than others. I thought I would put up a picture from the beginning and a picture from now.invisalign arizona
