Thursday, July 4, 2013

Small treatment creates BIG results!

Penny underwent a few small dental treatments to achieve her new smile. This included teeth bleaching, two new anterior crowns and cosmetic bonding.

Why was Penny a good candidate for these procedures?
Penny was a great candidate for her transformation. She was actually an extremely apprehensive patient that was nervous about most routine dental visits. Once she understood how standard the procedures were and how relatively quick they would be completed, she became more relaxed with each visit. She realized that a drastic result could be attained with ease, thus, a great case!

How did you develop a plan for treating Penny's concerns?
In this particular case, during the initial examination, it was determined that a cleaning, some fillings and whitening were required before the front crowns were done.The first four appointments addressed the fillings and cleaning. These "easy" appointments were important to gradually help the patient relax with each session, and to create a healthy oral  environment. The whitening was done at home at  by the patient at their convienience. All it took to change the front teeth were the last two appointments. 
                       Before                                                                             After
Is there an ideal candidate for these procedures?
The ideal candidate for these procedures, or any for that matter, is a motivated individual who is committed to improving their oral care and esthetics. Everyone and every case is different. It may be few or many appoinments, however, there are always options where most issues can be addressed and improved upon. No matter how busy, the treatment can always be accomodated  to any schedule.
Are there any at-home steps patients should follow after procedures like these?
It is extremely important to maintain the health of any new restorations such as these crowns that were done on this patient. Home care and follow up cleanings are essential. Oral hygene instruction are reviewed and often, the patient is sent home with some special cleaning tools. Occasionally, a patient is asked to return one week later after a "large" case with many crowns, for example. This is to ensure the patient is satisfied, comfortable, and the tissues are forming to the new restorations appropriately.

Treatment provided by Dr. Michele Lanys at Dentistry on Dundas

Jonathan Mursic RDT, President of 5 Axis Dental     


1 comment:

  1. Taking care of your oral health is vital. Every family should have a good periodontist durham to who they can go for check-ups at regular intervals. Other then the daily care that you should give your teeth, consulting your doctor is important because there are many oral problems which only a dentist can solve.
